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7 Jobs
Job Title
Adjunct Faculty - Clinical Instructor: OB
Adjunct Faculty - Clinical Instructor: Acute/Critical Care
Adjunct Faculty - Clinical Instructor: Pediatrics
Adjunct Faculty - School of Business
Adjunct Faculty - English Department
Adjunct Faculty - Applied Technology (Construction)
Adjunct Faculty - School of Journalism and Communication
7 Jobs
Job Title
Teaching Faculty - School of Visual Art and Design
Teaching Faculty - History and Political Studies
Teaching Faculty - Biology/Allied Health
Teaching Faculty - School of Visual Art and Design
Teaching Faculty - Applied Technology (Construction Management)
Teaching Faculty - School of Education, Psychology, and Counseling (Counseling)
DPT Program Director - Physical Therapy
3 Jobs
Job Title
Assessment System Manager - School of Education, Psychology, and Counseling
Network Technician - Information Technology (Digital Networking)
Janitor - Cafeteria
4 Jobs
Job Title
Associate Vice President for Facilities - Financial Administration
Software Developer - Information Technology
Network Analyst - Information Technology
Website Development Manager - Marketing and University Relations
2 Jobs
Job Title
Deli Floater - Village Market
Bus Driver - Transportation Department
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